DAY 3: Back

DAY 3: Back


4 sets of 10 – Lat Pulldown Combo – right, left, together (alternate each set which arms lead – left, right together)


Superset #1: 3x

Underhand Lat Pulldown

Overhand Single Arm Lat Pulldown


Superset #2: 3x

Cable 21’s

20 cable crunches


Superset #3: 3x

10 Seated underhand cable row – position cable so it’s slightly higher and you’re pulling at an angle (can sit on floor)

30 bicycle crunches


Superset #4: 3x

10 standing underhand grip cable row – basically the opposite of the workout above; you will position pulley a little lower and pull to your belly button

20 cross-body mountain climbers


Superset #4: 3x

12,10,8 Tbar Row

15-20 bent over rear delt flyes


6 x :30 sprint intervals (doesn’t have to be treadmill – choose sprint intervals of choice)

March 2018, Workouts 2018